Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting Used To It

Well, School started Monday. I slept a total of 30 minutes to an hour the night before because of nerves. Slept a little bit longer Tuesday and slept about 5 hours last night. It's been going pretty good. However things have flipflopped. Math is now one of my best classes. I'm taking PreAlgebra(collegeprepclass), English, History to 1877, and Music Appreciation. I end the school day at 12pm, but then I'm either on my way home to get homework done and relax or to get homework done and then go to work. I now understand why my parents are tired all the time. My day usually started around 9-10am and then ended about 2-3am. Now it starts between 4:30-5:30 in the morning and ends hopefully around 11pm.(NOT including weekends!) My busiest days of school are Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have 3 classes from 8am-12pm and those are the main days that I work. I'm very fortunate to have all my classes pretty close to eachother. They are right next to eachother, and two are in the same building! Out of all this new stuff, some other things happened. I started hanging out with people from work(helps that we go to the same college:) and we all went to a club last Thursday. I also got a new truck. It's a Nissan Frontier and I've only had it for two days. Dad decided to make some mistakes on the title, so we had to wait another day.
Thats all thats been happening so far- will try to post more later.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Post

Things have been going very well for me these past few weeks. I've started managing my money a little better and started branching myself out a little more. I've made more money because I've gotten more hours at work, even though I am still looking for either a second job or a higher paying job closer to school. School starts in just a couple weeks. I'm not nervous about it at all. I'm more excited than anything. I'm also back in physical therapy, but for my shoulder this time. I think I am only going to be in it for a week or so because I honestly believe there is nothing wrong with my shoulder. I had my pictures done, so if anyone wants a new photo, just let me know. That's where I am NOT like my mom. If you want a picture of me, you have to tell me, otherwise I'm not going to send you one. Other than that, things are good...