Monday, September 22, 2014

Terrible Twos? Where??? LOL

I constantly have to remind myself that my son is really only 2 years old. He's completely potty trained(OH Yes!!!!) and he pretty much self-handles everything! The baby I once had has turned into a boy and I am excited yet sad to see him grow up. Our next step is taking clothes off and on by himself LOL. He has learned colors Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black and Brown, Letters A, B and C and Numbers 1 and 2. We began introducing shapes today, which was a Circle- I drew one for him to see and gave him the marker to try----First circle he has ever drawn and he EXCELLED!!! Maybe I am a little biased as he is my son:) But I have a feeling I have a genius on my hands!!! He loves music and can either tap his foot or actually dance to the beat, He's already reciting More Than A Good Man by VBS AGENCY D3 and In Summer from Frozen! He speaks well, we are however, taking him to speech therapy due to Letters S, H, and F. He has trouble pronouncing them and it basically boils down to the time he was tongue tied.

 It's extremely hard to take in that he is almost 3 years old(and he has NO siblings) He LOVES robots, astronauts, dinosaurs and superheroes~That INCLUDES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is even a ninja turtle for Halloween. We have a Captain America Mask and an ENTIRE Hulk Costume. This little boy LOVES to dress up and he plays the parts so well!

 He also loves riding his tractor like poppy would ride his. He pretends to mow the lawn and it is funny! I really should invest in a video camera so I can record these moments.
 We still have a little trouble with listening and temper tantrums, but I am 23 and mine haven't completely stopped yet either. lol

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Potty Training, School and Bills- OH MY!!!

Yep, you heard right...potty training! First 5 days were amazing! We had 3 accidents the first day, and 1 the second and third day...fourth day, 2 accidents, 5th, none! Now, we are just completely forgetting about it! If I don't take him to the bathroom, he will not go and when he poops, he will take off his underwear, wherever he is, dump the poop on the floor or in the trashcan and continue about his do I find out? Because he leaves his underwear for me to find, his butt covered in poop and is still playing when I come get him to go potty.....HE is definitely all boy!  We have also started sleeping ALMOST all night again in our own bed! He goes straight to sleep, most nights, all by himself:) I thank Jerry for that because I was content with rocking him until he was a teenager.

Jerry's school is going good. Though we literally never see him. He works 7a-7p Saturday and Sunday and then when he gets home he finishes any school work that requires internet. Monday and Wednesday he has school from 10a-215p...He gets home about 330 and then he's doing school work Monday night, Tuesday, Wednesday Night, Thursday and Friday...and honestly, God help anyone who distracts him. *I am being completely honest here* Since starting school, and yes, I understand there is a transition period....He has become quite the butt. I continue to pray daily, now it has become multiple times a day....that he starts seeing how he treats his family and changes, but I am beginning to doubt he will. Last week, he spent a total of 4 hours with Logan...and it was mainly because I had Jerry keep Logan when I went grocery shopping with Mom.
 I am seriously wearing thin. I feel like I am doing everything by myself and If I bring anything up about finances or taking a break so that he can spend time with Logan, he goes off. I used to blame his childhood for his actions and in some ways, it is, but after 15-18 years, you should be able to make decisions based on different actions and ways. I'm currently looking for a job again because even though he said I could quit and stay home with Logan, I feel like if I don't, we will never financially be able to do anything. My car has been broken down for roughly 2 months, Logan needs a bigger carseat(I didn't know he outgrew his carseat after 40 inches and 40 pounds, both of which he has met...We need a new stroller, and honestly, we need a place of our own. I love my parents, but comments are starting to be made, and I do ask for some of them, but I still hear them talking when I have left the room. I just don't know what to do anymore. Do I love him, Yes. Do I love the way he acts and treats me about things? No......