Thursday, March 29, 2012

2 months:)

Well, we've reached the 2 month mark! Logan weighs in at 12 pounds 15 ounces and 24 1/2 inches long! one of the biggest his pediatrician has seen in a while! of course, when we went he had to get shots...4 of them!!! He didn't like it at all. Screamed when he got them until I picked him up. Fell right asleep on the car ride home and then a few hours later got a fever, diarrhea and just cried and cried and cried...then today he was constipated. Very odd for this boy to not poop 2-3 times a day. he was fussy, so aunt rachel tried the leg movements again and what do you know? He decided to poop all over:) but then a mommy disaster! There were no diapers in the diaper bag! So I drove to my house really quick(at moms a whole 5 minutes away!) grabbed a pack of diapers and sped the way home, changed him and then was happy baby until he passed out!
 this kid is very alert and just all smiles 99 percent of the time. Always observing and talking to you and just wants to watch! LOL
 we've up'd his cereal to 1 1/2 tablespoons in the breakfast and bedtime bottle and so far seems to be working! Last night he went to sleep around 7:30 pm- which I thought would be just a quick nap, turns out he slept til 2, ate, went back to sleep around 5:30, ate again and then slept until 9am! this is a very rare treat and even though I didn't sleep much(still used to getting up every 2-3 hours) I was so happy when he woke up and just smiled, no crying or fussing, just smiling at me and daddy:) haven't seen that in a few weeks and that makes me happy that he's finally getting back to normal!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Well, We've survived our first month:) He's now 6 weeks old, taking less naps during the day, longer sleep at night and eating cereal with his breakfast and bedtime bottle! A lot of things have changed in the past two weeks besides what I have just wrote. Our room mates moved with no notice, so we were scrambling to find a place to live with not being able to afford rent on our own. Luckily, mom and dad opened up their doors and let us three move in, where I found out via newspaper, that the apartments that Jon and Rachel are living in, are doing a move-in special!!!! I acted upon it quickly(with Jerry's OK) and we are currently finishing up everything we need to do in order to get the apartment! If we hand her money by friday, we will be the owners of our very first place BY OURSELVES! Same as Jon and Rachel's apartment- it's a 2/1.5, and it is PERFECT for us, not to mention, we will save money on gas with them living literally right across the path from us and mom and dad living not even 5 minutes away!
On other news, I'm having my Pre-Op and Post-Delivery appointments tomorrow and surgery friday morning...wouldn't you know I don't plan strategically? Jerry's Stepmom Debbie and his brothers Matt, Sebastian and Chris will be down all weekend to finally meet Logan! We figure I will be ok because I'm only gonna be out of it for about 24 hours. Only sucky thing about getting this stupid gall bladder out is I'm not able to take care of Logan for those 24-36 hours after my surgery. I know he's in good hands though. He'll be spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa..or better yet...sleeping in their room! Hopefully they(mom) still has her alertness when she's sleeping...Logan still tends to wake up in the middle of the night! Sometimes, his mornings start at 4 am:) This will be funny to