Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Logan hit 2 years January 25th! He is extremely active and has cut out naps. He runs around from about 10:30 in the morning until about 9 at night. I really have no idea where he gets his energy from...with less than 6 hours I am a zombie lol. Jerry has been working at the sawmill for almost a year now- though not without some injuries. First his shoulder, which has been bothering him since teenhood and the other day was sent home due to an injury to his back. Luckily, it was just a pulled lumbar muscle and was able to return to work today. Budgeting is getting easier, but the paychecks get smaller than usual some weeks. It's rained so much that the wood is wetter than usual. Which means, Jerry's department can't exactly do anything BLAH!!!! We still make ends meet and we thank God every day for that. Logan has gone from toddler bed to a twin size race car bed- he loves his vroom... we actually have done his room in race car theme. Still looking for a wall paper that is cheap and childproof. He is going to eventually have a track going throughout his room.

 He is getting so big! I believe he is 3' 2" and about 35-36 pounds. Definitely into 3t clothes now:) He's loving going to the park and playing on nice days, he loves it when mommy and daddy are both around. He loves talking to us in the car and he especially loves taking daddys vroom(car) whenever possible! We are currently attempting potty training, which is slow... some days he is all about the potty and other days he isnt but we will get there. He's very vocal right now and his favorite person is Poppi. No matter what, he has to be near him, whether it's tinkering around in the garage or watching tv. Unless, Mawmaw is making cookies!

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