Saturday, June 2, 2012

4 months

So Logan is four months old now.... where has the time gone? He's still my little baby but he's a BIG to the doctor last tuesday(ironically the day before my birthday) and had his 4mth checkup which came with 2 shots. 27 inches long, 16pds and 11oz...definitely a large baby. He did fine during shots and throughout the day. Naturally, he cried when he got the shots, but a rare occasion was that Daddy(Jerry) went with us and with me hating needles, I was in the corner- we lay Logan on the table because he has a tendency to kick and it's easier for the nurse to hold his leg like she needs to. Well, Jerry stood by the table the entire time and when it was over, he scooped Logan up and comforted him...we left the drs, went to get infant tylenol and then home where we waited for his response to the shots...didn't really have one until 4am when he had to be close to me. By six, he was wide awake but cranky...since it was my birthday, I was happy regardless. I went and fed him like I normally would, he felt warm, but he was in a sleeper so I didn't think anything of it...went to rinse out his bottle when I hear a choking sound, go back to the living room, Logan's in the process of throwing up, however he's kinda laying down so its not coming out. I go grab him, he spews EVERYWHERE!!! the couch, carpet, me, him and the bouncy seat got a whole new color scheme...he's finally smiling, so I sit him down, go start a bath and grab him, as I'm undressing him, he feels even warmer than I gave him a bath and then checked his temp...100.9! Definitely the highest fever this child has ever had and it sent me into a panic...calling mom at 6:30 in the morning, where she reassures me with shots, thats a lowgrade fever and just to give him more tylenol and keep him comfortable- and no more formula until his fever is gone...well, sure enough, he was back to his normal yet very clingy self in no time...and by the time 12:30 hit- he was ready for a nap and trust me so was I! Then Rachel calls- she wants to take me to lunch for my birthday...and honestly, I can't pass up free food- so I conjur up some energy and go....she takes me to applebees and we are eating and she goes and tells the waitress it's my birthday and I'm 21. I don't want them singing to me but wanted a drink- she checks my ID then proceeds to bring me a drink called Jamaican Paradise-mmmm. That's all I have to say about that drink! Went perfectly with my steak, potatoes and mixed veggies, and then my hot fudge brownie and vanilla ice cream:) Came home to both boys sitting on the couch looking desperate for attention from me...Jerry gets really nervous being left alone with Logan and Logan- well he knows jerry is I soothe both of them, telling them I'm not leaving them again since we were all going to Mom and Dad's to celebrate my birthday...Well, then a bomb hits- Jerry had been up since 7am and had to work that night, so he had to go to sleep to ensure he wouldn't fall asleep at work- so Logan and I headed to moms where I had Potato soup and homemade ice cream cake waiting for me:) I had a great birthday and Logan got back to normal with his shots:)
 NOW- back to Logan-----
FAV Foods- Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Peas, Carrots and Green Beans
Least Fav Foods- Bananas, Pears, and Peaches
Size- 6/9 months
First trip- Gramma and Papas for Memorial Day
Still not sleeping through the night
Eats 2 5oz containers of food a day + 4-5 bottles 4oz bottles
sits in sink with support for bath time because hes too big for infant tub
talks a lot more
can walk backwards in the walker
loves bouncy chair
hates his car seat now
can have Grandpa Jim hold him without crying
loves veggie tales
and Loves to laugh and try to sing with mommy in the kitchen
also loves to sit in high chair while mommys cooking dinner and talk:)
Logan at 4 months:)

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