Monday, July 16, 2012

Catching Up

Well- times moving faster and faster now....Logan's six months old, we've been married for about 2 weeks now and Jerry started his 12 hour shifts...
1)- Logan's six months old- eating about the same- 2 jars a food each lunch and dinner, plus bottles...he's still waking up in the middle of the night to eat but now we are down to one feeding at 4:30-5am. He's gotten to where he can sit up on his own for longer periods of time. he's also turning around when he's on his tummy, sleeping and when he's in the walker. We are still in love with blues clues and last week granma and granpa bought Logan his own little blue:) and lets just say we havent gone to bed, to the store or anywhere without blue. He's ranging from 6mth-12mth clothing depending on the brand which is kind of hard to buy since I never know which brand hes bigger in or
 2) Married life is amazing- honestly, Jerry and I haven't fought as much since we got married, so it really was the nerves of everything keeping us on edge. We are both very happy and just anxiously awaiting the little reception we are going to have later on this year.
 3) Jerry's 12 hr shifts are lonely, I will say that. However for six to eight of those hours, Logan and I are sleeping so it's not as bad anymore. What is really bad is that he has the EXACT OPPOSITE of my uncle I knew it would happen. I do love having him every other weekend to just have fun. 3 whole day of non work bull crap:) He also gets to spend more time with me and Logan which was what we both wanted.
 Now for the real update- a couple weeks ago(right after we got married) Jerrys grandpa got into a small wreck with my truck...Papa is ok, however, the insurance company claimed my truck as we are on the hunt for a new(new to us) vehicle. I have suddenly fallen in love with the Toyota Matrix. Not really big, not really small but slightly bigger than the corolla and definitely bigger than the truck was. Honestly, as long as I can fit both the stroller and groceries in the car, I am a happy woman. lol....

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