Sunday, December 4, 2011

33 weeks

Figured since I'm getting close to my due date, I would blog each week on how I'm feeling and what "new" things are happening:) Well, for starters, I still feel great. People are still amazed when they ask if I'm pregnant and I say yes, 8 months. However, once they realize it's my first, they want to ask why I'm still working, any symptoms still around, just the normal questions. Here are all the answers- I never really had "morning" sickness. I felt sick and threw up maybe twice during my pregnancy that wasn't associated with the flu I caught in September. Other symptoms? My feet hurt alot, but that's probably due to gaining 20 pounds throughout the pregnancy. Yes, I am starting to have cravings- pineapple chunks and chocolate syrup and then I really have the craving for waffles and bbq sauce- but I am not ready to try that just yet. My back hurts and my toes- not my feet and ankles, just toes have started to swell up a little bit. LOL. Other than that, just having to pee, A LOT, and nerves finally sinking in that a few weeks from now, I'll have my baby boy in my arms:) I'm 33 weeks today- I "age" every Sunday. Mom's coming to help me in the nursery Tuesday and we will finally be starting on it. I will take pictures and post during the stages of the remodel and will post when I can. I finally end my career (HA) at Kangaroo on the 11th. I can't say as I will miss the place, however, will miss working with a few people. One of which is buying my son an FSU outfit...I'll be nice and get a picture of him in it and let her see him in it but I'm a Gator fan... Jerry's family are Bulldogs and FSU- only when Jerry has him alone, can he wear such foul colors as Red and Gold.
 Logan is still moving around great- and last night I realized after starting to get worried because he wasn't moving as much as I wanted him to, at the sound of his daddys voice, he moves more. I didn't notice it before because I figured he couldn't really hear or make out Jerry's voice. Apparently, he can. Every time Jerry would say something, I'd get a nudge or a flip out of Logan. It was cool- let's see if he's still like that after he's born:)
 Tomorrow we try something new- We are going to Jacksonville to see Jerry's brother, fiance' and their daughter who has just about reached 4 months old. Last time we saw everyone, Candace was 6-7 months and I had just found out 3 weeks prior that we were expecting. So except for pictures, nobody has seen how much I've changed and how much weight Jerry has gained(sorry jerry lol) Even people at work tell Jerry, its because I'm pregnant- you see her eating, it automatically makes you want something even though you aren't hungry. It's normal. He found that out when his uniform pants (to me anyway) looked a little small around the waist. But being the loving, caring and sensitive wife I am, I said nothing, as he says (mostly) nothing about my pants getting tighter or shirts not really fitting. Personally, I think it amazes him just how much my body has changed since we found out we were pregnant. Christmas I was 118 pounds, when I lost my job, I got bored so I ate and bumped up to 132- however I didn't really look much different. I'm 154 now, which is fine with me. It means I'm doing the right thing and not starving myself. LOL. Baby needs nutrients and I'm willing to gain a few stretch marks and a couple pant sizes to do it. I said a couple though!

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