Saturday, December 10, 2011

34 weeks

I don't officially turn 34 weeks until tomorrow-but since I'm pretty much "homebound" until I deliver, there's only so much I can do. Last night, I had to work- another simple shift, and managers know that I sit down most of it due to my feet. Well, around 8 o'clock last night I started feeling "cramps" in my stomach, I thought it was just due to eating nachos for dinner, but nope...Since they didn't go away in an hour, I called my sister to call the dr and see what I should do because technically I wasn't supposed to use the store phone. Well, she didn't get ahold of anyone so I told Jerry what was going on and that I was going to call the dr when I got off at 11 to see what we should do. Finally realizing they were contractions and they were 10-15 minutes apart when I called, she said that if they get to 9 or below, just come to the hospital and she'll see what's going on. Well, about 30 minutes after I got home, they were 8 minutes apart. So I called mom and told her what was going on and then I called Jerry to come home from work and we went to the hospital. When I got there, I wasn't really feeling anything but wanted to really make sure everything was ok. They hooked me up to monitors and when the dr came in she said you aren't contracting every 8 minutes, you're contracting every minute or two. SHOCK!!! I looked at Jerry, then her and said I don't feel them. She said that's good and she went to check my cervix and said I was 50% effaced but not dilated so she was just going to give me a shot of something that started with a T and it should stop the contractions. I was also ordered to drink water because I was dehydrated and that was contributing to some of the contractions. Well, as soon as they gave me the shot, they put me on a heart monitor because the medication makes your heart jumpy and you feel jittery- I completely felt that. It was funny trying to text mom what was going on while my hands were shaking. They finally released me around 3:30 this morning, told me since I only had 2 days left, to call my manager and tell her that my dr would appreciate if i would not go back to work and to take it easy until delivery. I've had a pretty good pregnancy so far, and no doubt I still have a few weeks to go. I know I overdid it on working and not resting enough, so I am going to try to stay relaxed and calm. Cryxis will be very happy, because now he's out of his kennel more(he's in there when we sleep so he doesn't destroy the place) and he's now just lounging around with me:)

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