Saturday, February 7, 2009


Who is God?
Atheists believe that he's just another idol certain people worship, others believe he or she is a spirit.
In truth, He/She is everything. the air we breathe, the food we eat, the things we see and hear, that's all God. We were made in the limited version of him/her... meaning, that when Jesus came to earth- which was God in human form, he decided to take the limited version, which is what we can't do. We can't wave our hands and all diseases are gone, or calm the seas with 3 words, or even make the blind see or the dumb talk. God could and still can. The way I see it, after reading the Bible and The Shack, I've learned that yes, Jesus healed people, but it wasn't really Jesus. What was it? It was God. Jesus totally surrendered to God, which gave him the power to use him. Through God, Jesus healed all the people. And not only that. You know the Trinity? The three-in-one? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Father(GOD) Son(JESUS) and HOLY SPIRIT(what you feel with God being with you and in you).
God is not simply man, he is not simply woman. He is both. No, he is not a transvestite. He is the Voice of Truth. Everything he says is true. He also takes on forms of which can be male or female depending on who he is showing the one true God to.
And when he judges us- do you think it's easy for him? It's not easy for Him to decide which of his Children go to heaven or not.
We are separated from God, not by the government, our parents, or even Satan. We are separated from him by independence.
By being independent and wanting to do things our way, we have done away with people telling us what to do- including God. Even the best of Followers have been known to want to be independent in their relationship with God.
When something good happens in our lives, we praise him. When something bad happens, we rebuke him. God doesn't want bad things to happen, but sometimes they have to in order for people to see Him... He loves us no matter what we do. When we let him into our hearts and let him take control, we see things in a new way. Not in an independent way, but in the way God sees it. All we have to do is listen to God and let Him be in charge.

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